Internationale Situationniste, Numéro 8

Situationist International

anti-public-relations service
You are in agreement with the S.l.!
You want to join the S.I.!

We oniy ask of you a little preliminary work, to verify objectively (in your own interest as well as ours) how near you come to our problems, and your ability to play a full role in our undertaking (the S.I. does not want mère disciples):

  1. Choose for yourself a point which you consider important, in the the ses published by the S.l., and develop several arguments and possible expansions of thus theses (a minimum of one page of typescript — we impose no maximum).
  2. Choose for yourself, in the same texts published by the S.I., a point which can be criticized, and destroy this position (the conditions are the same).

N.B. — This is not a meaningless game. The S.I. proceeds like this very often, to reexamine and advance on its own basic ideas. Perhaps you will chance on a point already criticized. But you might also start a correct criticism from a position insuficiently raised by us to now. Your criticism, therefore, if it is well done, will be well argued in any case; and perhaps even will be useful as putting forward something new!

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